$49.00 AUD

Every month

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Universal Creator Campus - Monthly Membership Plan


$49AUD per month or $1194AUD LIFETIME Access (Afterpay available!)

The Creator Economy is more than an opportunity – it's your pathway to unleash unmatched potential, monetise your creativity, and design the life you dream of for you and your family.

What you'll get:

    •  Biweekly live masterclasses/guest speakers/Q&A sessions
    •  Fundamental Course material
    •  UGC course and community/jobs board 
    •  Access to a safe and supportive community 
    •  WorksheetstemplatesTrello boards & more
    •  Access to our PLR Library to sell as your own 
    •  Access to Ambassador program
    •  40% Recurring Commissions 


It's time to ditch the mundane and plunge into a world where infinite possibilities await. Remember, in our realm, there's no Plan B – You've absolutely f**ken got this!